Sunday 22 September 2013

New projects

Sorry guys for not keeping this up and running for the last two months but have been busy with other stuff.


Although I have to admit that the cooking school site needs a new name (suggestions very welcome) . I also want to make it into 'real' domain names but as usual it is difficult here to find out who to ask and where to arrange things. I've asked the IT people at school twice already and even they can't give me a straight answer.

I will post more on this as soon as I have straightened things out a bit more. KK has been busy painting the kitchen and cleaning up in the house in general. The outdoor place where we want to have it eventually needs the tarp back up over the roof but that it impossible to do at the moment with the rain being an almost constant factor. In a month though, the monsoon will be over and it will be easier to get on that slippery roof and fix everything properly.

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