Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Time to go home

It is half past 2 and I'd planned to go home ages ago. It is raining so hard that the chance of getting a taxi, let alone a taxi at a near to normal rate, are between 0.0 and 0.5 %. It hasn't rained this hard since the beginning of the monsoon season. I'm sure that big parts of Yangon. like the downtown area near Sule, are flooded as they often are. I hope that it is OK near our house. We haven't had much trouble with water yet and I hope it stays that way. But these are a lot of extra drops on an already waterlogged Yangon. It has been raining heavily for the last 2 weeks or so.

Xenne and Thandar are happily playing computer games in the ICT-room so they don't mind too much. Unfortunately, lunch is at home. Though it looks like lunch is going to turn into linner or dunch, it already being this late and it'll take us another half hour at least before we're home.

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