Thursday, 17 May 2012

Unesco World heritage Sites

Finally have some time to keep the blog updated and can't think of a single thing to write. Not that there is nothing going on... every week some VIP or delegation visit this country. It seems like the world is falling over itself to come and have a look and see what this country is really about. But this blog is not about politics. It makes for interesting conversations though, especially if you run into people at the embassy It used to be the odd tourist there who wanted information about this country, now it seems to be people from world organisations (business or otherwise).

I did read in the Myanmar Times the other day that there are three sites here that are hopefully becoming UNESCO world heritage sites. A site near Pyay, one in Sagain, and I forgot the third one. Surprisingly, Bagan was not yet on that first-up-for-application-list. It is the most well-known site in Myanmar and of absolutely breathtaking beauty. I have been to the site in Pyay but it wasn't a good day to visit it being very hot and dry that day. I hope that Myanmar will get funds to maintain and develop these three sites better. It isn't much fun as a tourist to look at a heap of dirt and having to guess what it is supposed to be, especially not with a temperature of about 38 Celsius.

I do think though that one day in the not so distant future, Bagan will compete with Ankhor Watt as one of the most impressive sights in South-East Asia. At the moment it is relatively unknown. I do know people who have visited both destinations and they all agree Bagan is superior. I haven't been to Ankhor yet so can't say which one I prefer. No matter, I do know that every time I visit Bagan, I seem to have forgotten just how beautiful and impressive it really is.

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