Tuesday, 27 December 2011

An update on email, weather, electricity, and more

So, yes, the internet connection works. I can't say it works fine though. Yesterday i could't get a decent enough connection to actually view a single web page. Today I've already been disconnected 3 times in the past hour. But... I've just read my email at home, reviewed the BBC news pages and am typing this in the hope I can update my blog again....

It is late December and this is usually the only time of the year that I like here in Myanmar. It is WINTER (at least, that is what THEY call it). Normally, I would wear a scarf in the morning since it can be slightly cool but this year that hasn't been necessary yet. It is supposed to be my 'yes-I-can-make-it-through-the-rest-of-the-year' - cooling down period but temperatures are still 30+ degrees Celsius in the afternoon... What kind of WINTER is that???? I hope January will bring the annual relief from the heat otherwise I'll definitely feel cheated...

Electricity.... Prices will go up 50% in January. The promise is that electricity supply will improve. I do hope so. I don't mind the price hike so much if service will indeed get better. It is rather difficult to bake bread or cookies when there is a power outage in the middle of your baking process (very frustrating I can tell you).

For the rest... not too much. There are definitely more tourists in Yangon. But even now we comment on any westerner we see, especially when the seeing has been done away from the usual sites. We saw 4 young, western guys the other day way out of the tourist hotspots and we think they were expat kids (though not 100% sure). That really gave us conversation for the next 5 minutes. So, even though it is obvious that there are more people visiting this country, it isn't exactly overrun yet....

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