Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Ewold got married!

Ewold, one of my long-time friends, finally got married today. I'm so happy. Especially since we were all there, even Kyaw Kyaw. It was very early this morning, at 9, so it was an early rise-and-shine but it was really nice. I did miss some of it since Xenne was so busy but KK filmed a lot and í'm sure that, soon, i will see the pictures...

Now everybody is eating roti and kouseband, drinking wine and enjoy the late afternoon sun in the garden. We'll go to Soest soon to visit another friend. So very busy. especially since we only got here late yesterday evening after having spent the weekend near the German border at another friend's house. It was great there. Xenne had Jonas and Wiske (her kids) to play with and loads of toys. KK loved it since we went to Germany to eat pie!

Ok, time to go and keep an eye on Xenne. He's just come over to have a look at what i'm doing...

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