Thursday, 20 September 2012


It seems that the only thing I write here is that I'm busy and that I will try to do better...

Eaindra is walking and that definitely takes up more time. Xenne has to practice his first words like CAN, VAN, MAN, RAN, etc. So we do a fair bit on that as well. I do suspect that he can actually read better than he lets on since every once in a while he reads a word we haven't practiced yet. The next time he even struggles (or pretends to struggle) with words he already knows.

Between the kids (I ever so often check Thandar's homework as well), the Wii exercises and my baking in the weekend, there is littel time left.

I did bake some very very yummy foccacia and ciabatta this weekend. Triple yum with cheese ;-)

Friday, 14 September 2012

Man, was I mad!

Yesterday when I came home from work I found that KK had shaved Eaindra's head. She's completely bald! Ok, we did that with Xenne when he was a couple of months old but at that time it was 40 degrees Celsius here. besides, he's a boy so it does look less strange.

According to hubby, Eaindra had a rash because of the heat. I think i have to have his eyes examined, she had 1 mosquito bite that she had scratched at.

Here in Myanamr many ( if not all) parents believe that you have to shave a child's head at least once when they are very young otherwise they won't have healthy hair...

He had already talked about it before but I thought I'd made it pretty clear I didn't like the idea. Now I can only hope her hair grows back quickly.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Coca cola has arrived!!

Officially that is. Of course it was always possible to buy coca cola and even pepsi (though less easy to get). there were imports from Thailand and Singapore and the cans were priced differently since apaprently there was a difference aside from the country of origin. Not that I ever noticed a difference in taste but I drink cola only sometimes and when I do it is usually a local brank called Star Cola.

In the Myanmar Times there was a big add of Pepsi saying that they are now officially here. There was already talk of both those soft drink giants coming here. There are adds all over town apparently. One of teh last frontiers in soft drink land they probably think. 

Anyways, i found it funny to see that even the BBC news has someting on this. They had a big article on there now being only 2 countries left that officially don't have Coca Cola, namely Cuba and North Korea.

I'm counting the days until we have such horrors as KFC, MacDonalds, Starbucks, and so on. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy visiting them very sometimes when we're in Bangkok I just rather not have them here. i don't think they'd add a lot to the quality of food and drink available in this country..

Monday, 10 September 2012

An enjoyable trip around town

Yesterday we took the new teacher's around town. We started of in a very Myanmar  way. Breakfast in a teashop. For some it was their first taste of Mohingha, the most Myanmar of dishes and one that every teashop serves.

We saw a few pagoda's, the big reclining buddha in Yangon and even the recently opened for real Bogyoke Aung San Museum.It was great fun and very interesting. Especially Aung San's museum. It is small but we all considered it the highlight of the day. They even have his service car tucked away in a tiny shed. I wanted to post some pictures here but my card reader is refusing to help me out. I will post them soon.

After lunch we went to Bogyoke Aung San Market for a quick look around. It is a market best visited by oneself since there is so much to see. We rounded of the day by visiting a long-established but still to many people unknown DVD-shop where you can spend a lot of money on DVD's you always wanted to have but never found before. I drooled over a box-set of Star Trek and I couldn't resist Lassie and The Muppets  in space.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Wii -addiction

At school I am way too busy at the moment to update the blog. I used to do a bit at home though not as much as I would have liked. Now though I don't even start up the computer unless I really have to. And it is a surprise at how little I really need it.

I'm addicted to the Wii at the moment. Xenne loves playing and we keep a track of how much he plays. I don't play, I love the Wii dance and exercise routines. We bought a few of those and for the last week and a half i do nothing else in the evening. Half an hour of this program, than that. Instead of being tired, I feel energised and often decide to do a bit extra. Regularly, I have to tell myself at around half past 11 that it is time to go to bed.

I'm not complaining though. I really needed to do more exercising. I used to cycle to school but apart from having to take two kids with me now, the roads are also much more busy. Many Yangonese now own a car. Unfortunately, the driving standards haven't improved yet. Walking is not really easy either. Again, busy roads, pedestrians are not really catered for in the streets here to begin with, and the parks are not attractive places for a walk.

The gym isn't an option. I often feel bored after a few weeks anyway and here the gyms are often attached to big hotels. The smaller ones are not as well fitted out. I would have to go right after school and then hurry to be back on time to take the kids to bed.

No, this Wii thing is great. Let's see if I can keep it up in such a way that I get back to blogging a bit more as well....